I joined another fun sock knit-along Sukkasato (that's Finnish for Sock Harvest) - which runs September and October. It's Finnish, and the sign-ups are closed, so don't feel bad if you missed it. However, I especially like the fact that children's socks count, and that people are encouraged to knit for charity. I have lots of sock yarn rests, which make perfect children's socks.


In the picture you can see my first pair - children's and most likely for charity! The yarn is Regia Arctic in yellow - I had maybe 30 grams left from the Carolina socks I made for my cousin a while back.


I will be posting my finished socks in Heinälato, the sub-blog of Sukkasato, but being hasty as I am I wanted to show the WIP too!


As a side note, I have finalised my Christmas knitting list, and have started to work through it!




Menin mukaan Sukkasatoon , kahden kuukauden mittaiseen sukka-KALiin jossa saa neuloa lastenkin sukkia! Minua on aina haitannut, että useimmissa sukka-KALeissa lasketaan mukaan vain aikuisten sukat, ei lasten, eikä tossuja, eikä joogasukkia yms. Valmiit sukkani näytän Heinäladossa, joka on Sukkasadon alablogi, mutta täällä näitä puolivalmiitakin.

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Yummy! I loved that yarn when I saw it for your Carolina socks, and they make adorable childrens socks too!
How organised are you, Christmas knitting list finalised already... I haven't even started thinking about what I'm going to do. I must get cracking.