Ok, the shawl for the Sammakkoprinssi-KAL is finished. It didn't become the gorgeous triangular shawl I was hoping for - see, the YO holes not only make the shawl wider, but also taller. Only in the middle, mind you. So it's not so much triangular as it is a square.


It does work as a shawl, but better it warms nicely as a laphgan / throw when sitting in our cold living room.

The specs:  Needle: 10mm circular, knit flat. Yarn: Novita Cotton Brush, an old monstrosity from the discount bin. Started in March, finished 19th April. Pattern: own invention; CO3, increase with YO in the middle of knit row around centre stitch, purl back, repeat as long as you have yarn.




Valmistui tämäkin huivi, oli kyllä tosi nopea neuloa isoilla 10mm puikoilla. Vaikka kuvassa huivi näyttää ihan huivilta, ei se käytännössä ihan niin toimikaan... se muistuttaa enemmän neliötä kuin kolmiota. Joten käyttöä sille tulee varmaan enemmän sylipeittona kuin huivina! 

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