I was very lucky to have some holidays before I move into my new job (next week!) and after I sorted out all settling-in matters in Germany I was free to go to Finland, my home country, for a week.

It was as usual very beautiful, and I enjoyed meeting my friends and family again.


I arrived on Wednesday evening very late, and Thursday I relaxed, but on Friday I got a chance to go to Tampere and meet my friends from the polytechnic university days. I met a lot of people, but also got a chance to have a cup of vanilla coffee and some mud cake in my all time favourite café, Vanha Vanilja.

* Vanha Vanilja on ihanin kahvila koko maailmassa (tai ainakin niistä kahviloista joissa olen ollut maailmassa. * 


On Sunday my nephew had his confirmation celebration, which in Finland is typically a big happening. There were ca. 30 guests, good food  and good conversations. I helped around quite a lot, but did manage to have time to talk to my family menbers I don't see very often.

First there was the ceremony in church.

Then we moved to the party place, and the Finnish flag was pulled up.

After lunch everyone somehow moved outside, as the weather was gorgeous!

The party went well, my nephew liked it, as did my sister and mum who had organised it all!

* Siskonpojallani oli rippijuhlat, jotka onnistuivat hienosti! Siskokin oli tyytyväinen*


Om Monday I was able to take my nephew and niece swimming. I should have gone myself too, but it was just too cold! (20 celcius...)

* Vein siskonlapsia uimaan, itse en uskaltanut * 

The kids (and my mum) also helped me to take photos of my late father's -who was a productive artist- artwork, so we can get some more material to his website www.eskohuhdanpaa.fi which Nick made last year. I must have taken at least 50 photos, and that's not all his production by far (a lot of has been sold, and was never photographed in the digital era)

* Teimme edesmenneelle isälleni nettisivut viime vuonna, ja nyt Suomessa käydessäni sain kuvattua kaikki isän, jotka meillä vielä on *

I do love Finland, and hope to return there someday, to live and stay. Maybe then I can grow my own gourgettes as my mum does.

* Lopuksi kesäkurpitsa äitini kasvimaalta. Ihana loma! Pääsisipä pian takaisin *

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