Charity scarves
Charity scarf

The weather is getting warmer, the Sun is shining, it's almost time to leave the jacket at home and go out in a t-shirt.


So why on Earth am I knitting heavy woolen scarves?


There are two reasons. First: they are for charity, and as I am way behind on my "knit 50 items for charity" resolution, I have to start somewhere, and I liked the idea of scarves.


Second: I am currently on a major stash busting spree! I p want less, less, less yarn in my closet! Using up odd balls of wool and wool blend yarns is best done with striped scarves, won't you agree?


So here are the first two. The grey/pink one was the first one I made. It's made with natural Finnish wool (some from Villa Laurila, some from another source which I can't recall) and bits of self-dyed 100% wool. The pink stuff is really scratchy, that's why the pink stripes are so thin!


The green scarf has the rest of the Finnish wool (grey), some more Finnish plant-dyed wool from my home town from Pajuparvi (they don't have a website)(light green) and some Novita 7-Veljestä wool blend (dark green).


Both scarves are knit using fisherman's rib - a new stitch to me but I really like it! The scarves were knit on 3,5 mm needles, they measure ca. 170 cm and used up ca. 200 grams of yarn each.


The charity knitting season has been opened! To keep myself on track, I've created a page to keep track of my charity knits this year - keep an eye on my progress at the Charity Knits 2011 page!

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