Sauna socks made with orange Novita Nalle yarn

Amazing, there is an FO ready in my house!


Celebration reasons:
1) I made a pair of socks, after such a pause, and they have a pattern even!
2) I am blogging about them!


It may not seem like much to anyone, but it does symbolize something to me, this FO and the fact that I am blogging about them. It means knitting is not completely lost to me, nor is knit blogging. I still want to create with my hands and share what I've done with like-minded people and maybe even be of some help for someone.


It's been about 10 years since I've had this blog now and funny enough, this pattern I knit now is actually one I did back in 2007. The pattern is called Sauna-sukat and it is a Finnish free pattern from the knit ezine Ulla. Ullaneule is pretty much the Knitty of Finland, it's always high quality and has "knitable" knits if you know what I mean.


Anyhow, that's the pattern I chose. I modified only a few things: I did 8 rounds of 2x2 before starting the mock cable instead of 4, and I knit only two repeats of the leaf pattern on the foot and did the little rest I had in stockinette. The toe was done every other row instead of every row and the rest kitchener stitched when there were 12 stitches left (instead of 4 as in the pattern). I just personally like a longer toe, I think it looks nice.


The size I knit is about 38-39 and I am thinking of giving them to my Mom perhaps. The yarn is Novita Nalle, needles were standard dpns in 2,5 mm - very standard sock stuff also.


I was watching the X-Men and Wolverine films while I was knitting, so unfortunately due to the suspense on the telly I did make some mistakes on the mock rib (funnily enough not on the leaf pattern!) Some repeats are rather long and some shorter. One can see it, but as you know me, I've never been one to rip a parfectly good knit just because it looks a bit off. That just adds character I tell you!


Do you like my socks? Please do leave a sign of life in the comments even if you don't, it's been awfully quiet here lately!

Sauna socks made with orange Novita Nalle yarn
Sauna socks made with orange Novita Nalle yarn
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