Sunset socks
Lagoon socks

This is the promised finished knits post!

A while back I finished two pairs of very bright socks which I call the Sunset socks and the Lagoon socks. Here they are!

The Sunset socks are made with Opal Surprise! yarn (sadly discontinued) from my stash, the Lagoon socks are made with a funky yarn I received in a swap years ago! It was actually machine knit into a short scarf. The idea was that you could use it as a scarf or unravel it to get 100g of sock yarn. The scarf wasn't my style really so I of course frogged it.

Both socks are very basic 2x2 rib to fit my 39 size foot with a very basic flap heel. TV knitting at its best! I am very happy with them though and look forward to wearing them a lot in the fall!

Oh yes and the non-symmetrical look was planned! I really love that look!

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