Flattr Button

You may have noticed a little button has appeared below each blog post I have here on Worsted-Knitt.net and that it's also included in all new posts. As it's not a very well known button (like Twitter or StumbleUpon) I thought I'd post a little introduction.


Flattr is a new social micropayment platform that lets you support the blogs and websites you like. By donating just a few cents you can help the bloggers you like to continue with what they do.


Flattr has the nice idea that you have to give something to get something. Every site that wants to get Flattrd has to Flattr other sites, too. The whole thing is still in beta, that means it's not all perfect yet, but it sounded cool and fair, so I signed up. If you want to support Worsted-Knitt.net and me, please concider Flattring me!


While I'm at it, here's a little FAQ-type information about Worsted-Knitt.net


Five ways to get more out of Worsted-Knitt.net


1. Subscribe to my RSS feeds. For many people it's more convenient to receive new content in their RSS readers than to visit the blog. It’s easy to join!


2. Comment. Each blog post can be commented. Just click on the text below each post "Add a new comment", or if there already are comments "x comments"


3. Read my About page. Who is Worsted Knitt, why does she blog and what's important for her?


4. Follow me on Twitter – or other social networks. I post regularly on Twitter and try to keep my posts knitting related and useful.


I also participate on several other social networks. Feel free to check me out on StumbleUpon, Digg, Alexa , Dawanda and of course Ravelry. Share the fun! Find a post that you think someone else might like too? Please share the link on any of the social networks or forums you use.


5. Give me feedback! You can use the Contact form to ask me questions, give feedback or critique or just say hi!

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