
My shawl love is not showing any signs of dying, and that's just fine. As long as I like making them and find people who want to wear them (although I do keep most myself...) I'll keep making them. They're so quick! They're so pretty! There's interesting lace! They're made out of sock yarn but aren't tiny gauge! What's not to love. This is my latest FO, the Clothilde (Rav pattern link) shawl.


First the specs:
Pattern: Clothilde by Kristen Hanley Cardozo aka the Knitting Kninja
Yarn: superwash Bluefaced Leicester yarn by Lollipop.Yarns, called "Blue", colourway "Blue Jeans". I had one 100 gram skein of it, and a good amount was left over - I'm guessing I used 80 grams for the shawl.
Needles: 3,5 mm KnitPics circular
Modifications: I couldn't find info on how to do the required cast on, so I just did a long tail cast on. Other than that i followed the instructions for the large shawl.


First of all I want to say this yarn is so lovely! It's soft and it's beautifully dyed, plus I'm rather certain it's "local", meaning sheared and hopefully spun in the UK and dyed in Germany and has thus not traveled around the world to get to me. I have another skein of this yarn waiting for a worthy shawl pattern - I hope to find it soon!


The pattern was lovely too, even though the endless gull lace was at times mind-numbing! I worked on it during our trip to Berlin late June (4 hours in the train each way), so it wasn't so bad, but I was really getting bored of it in the end! The lace edging was more interesting, only now I wish I had added one more repeat of it to use up all the yarn and make the shawl a bit bigger.


All in all I liked this project, but if I hadn't received this pattern as a present, I most likely would not have paid 6,50 $ for it. I will, however happily pay 14 € for the yarn whenever I need more of it! I'm not sure if I'll keep this shawl myself (the blue looks surprisingly good on me!) or give it to my step-MIL for Christmas. What do you think?

Clothilde unblocked
Clothilde unblocked
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