Striped basket

A while back I made a lot of baskets for the home - one of the green ones now holds (some of) my knitting, the other is used for Wii gear, and a few small ones I never blogged about are being used by my DH. These baskets have come in so handy, I decided to make one more for my "stuff". This is what I created.


The pattern is the same as for the green baskets, the bigger size of Knitted baskets from Simple Knits for Easy Living by Erica Knight. This basket I knit in garter stitch instead of moss stitch. I used the same yarn, too, Novita Flip Flop, plus some old acrylic remnants I had in my stash to cheer up the black basket. The basket was knit on 5mm needles.


The bottom square is full black, but the sides are striped - two with electric blue and two with neon pink stripes! I knit three garter ridges with black and then one ridge in the contrast colour, ending each square with three black garter rigdes. Then I turned the squares 90 degrees clockwise and ta da - vertical stripes!


After sewing the basket together and darning the yarn ends in I took a look at the inside of the basket. It reminds me of the Matrix data stream to me! Therefore I call it the Matrix basket - and the best thing is, day after day I get to choose either the blue or the red pill... uhm, I mean: stripes!

Blog categories

I have three of them at my desk. One in green and the other two in black with pink. They are realy handy. Helping me to sort some things.