
Umm... socks for homeless animals? Well, it's not what you think. In fact, the animals won't be wearing the socks, instead they will be sold and the profits will go to the homeless animals.


These yarns were donated to me by the animal shelter to work them into socks. So that's what I did. The purple pair is about size 36-37, and was knit with 60 stitches across with using the Rinsessa stitch.


The blue pair is size 39-41, with 64 stitches across with a simple 2x2 ribbed cuff and a plain foot.


In fact, I made these a while ago already, and indeed the blue pair has already been sold! It's not big money, but if a homeless cat can eat for a few days or weeks from that money I'm more than delighted.


These would then be the 62nd and 63rd FO on my Charity knits 2011 list!

Blue socks
Purple socks
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