
So, I'm feeling better so I can finelly get back to blogging! This is what I have to show you first - the Damson shawl.


First the stats:
Pattern: Damson by Ysolda Teague
Needles: 4mm circular
Yarn: 1 skein of Zitron undyed sock yarn, self-dyed with Kool aid - and ca. 20 grams of Zitron bamboo sock yarn, also self dyed. More about this later..!
Modifications: I did the lace bit in garter stitch instead of stockinette. It looks good!


So the thing with the yarn. You know I am a loose knitter, and therefore usually take less yarn than is called for in the pattern. So I thought, it says loud and clear in the pattern that one skein of sock yarn is enough. So I take the one skein of my green-and-turqoise hand-dyed unique skein of yarn and start knitting. About ten rows before the shawl is finished, I run out of yarn. Now this is a major pain in the bum, as the yarn is one-of-a-kind! So what do I do - I get the undyed Zitron bamboo sock yarn and try to dye it in the same manner than I did with the original yarn.


And would you believe, I think it pretty much worked! Obviously the texture of the bamboo yarn is somewhat different, plus it absorbed more colour, but all in all I don't think the shawl looks bad at all! The thinner bamboo edging gives the shawl a nice, loose and drapey finishing touch even. Ta da, another mistake turned into a design element!


This pattern is really nice to knit and the shawl is really something else. It looked like crap before blocking, but that really did the trick and gave the shawl some drape. I wore it a few times already, but of course I fell down wearing it, hit my chin and actually bled a little bit on the shawl. So it needs to be washed now. No matter, I was making it as my spring shawl anyway, and the spring is not quite here yet!

Kooled yarn
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