Ophelia the therapy chicken
Peekskill station
Sunset on Hudson River
Kale at the Stone Barns Farm greenhouse
Community garden in East Village NYC

This March me and hubby Nick went to the US to see some friends and biogas colleagues (hmm, I must make a whole different post about that) and to generally have a good time and see new places after a long travel break. We were in the US for nearly 3 weeks and we passed seven states in total (though really staying in three of them). This is my travel journal which I will split in separate posts, because I don't want to flood you with pictures!


Part 1 is New York State and NYC.


We first stayed a few days in Tillson, a town not yet really in "upstate New York", but certainly not close to NYC either. We stayed with a colleague at her house, surrounded by a permaculture garden and lots of laying hens - and one poor hen who got attacked by a predator bird, sustained brain damage and never laid an egg since. Her name is Ophelia and now she is mostly a pet for the children! She is very sweet and our friend says she would make a great therapy chicken for someone. Ophelia is the bird you see in the first picture.


After a stop at another colleagues house we were brought to Peekskill to take the train down to Dobbs Ferry. The Peekskill station is really pretty, don't you think?


Dobbs Ferry is a Hudson river town. It was really warm when we were there, so we hung around at the small beach some evenings and took photos of the gorgeous scenery.


From Dobbs Ferry we made some short trips to surrounding places, for example to Stone Barns Center in Pocantico Hills. They are a farm and education center owned by the Rockefellers. We got to visit the greenhouse and the composting site, which was awesome! The kale they grow was picked in such a way that the kale plants resembled palm trees at this time!


Last but not least we made a day trip to New York City to hear a lecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn about waste management. That was really interesting to see and hear what college students learn about it! We also had time wander around, walk the High Line and visit the community gardens in East Village. Here is Nick in one of them.


From New York we headed down to Pennsylvania, and that will be Part 2 of this series!

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