Life of Worsted Knitt - travels, plans, gardening...

Welcome to Worsted Knittworsted knitt
Me & my cat

Hello you! Great that you stopped by. This is, a knitting enthustiasts archive blog and pattern depository.

I am Lumia aka Worsted Knitt and I passionately knitted from 2006 to around 2014. This blog covers that time and a few years after that. I do not actively tend to this blog anymore. You can find my patterns on here still and quite a lot of nice content to be honest - just nothing new.

My current project is my homestead and permaculture Beyond Buckthorns. Check that out if you like!

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A quick hi and a hat

Lila hat

Oh my, I've had a long pause in blogging! There are two reasons for that mainly


1. I've been really really busy and
2. I haven't been knitting


You may not know it, but I play the theatre (not professionally but on a very high amateur level), and we had our opening night on the 17th of January. Before that, you can imagine, we had practice every other evening and after that I have been playing once or twice a weekend. I's been quite a lot to handle, and I am really happy to have a two week pause in playing now.


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If it has a poor cat on it, I want itworsted knitt
Poor cat kitchen towels

Well, like the title says. No matter how minimalist I try to live and how little I want to spend, if there's a cute, poor cat on something -anything-, I want it. Especially if it's hand made in Finland and something useful, too.


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Year 2017 in picturesworsted knitt

2017 was a good year. I'm so blessed having had several good years in a row - plus I do think a bit of an attitude change has helped also. A lot has happened, it's been our (me & hubbys) first full year in Finland, the year we started our business and a year of many ups and downs. I made you a little collage to enjoy, so please do! Click the pics to see the captions.


Happy new year 2018 to all my readers!

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101 in 1001 vol 3 2014-2017 wrap-upworsted knitt
The future lies ahead

Since 2009 I have been doing so-called "101 in 1001" challenges
(see postings here: first, second.) My last one ended in June 2017. I have totally and completely neglected it since, say, 2015? Anyhow, I wanted to show you how I did, nonetheless. Let's see:


101 in 1001 vol 3


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I am now an entrepreneur

Duck picture from

Well hello, let me introduce myself! I am Lumia, and I am the entrepreneur and head of the board at my new company Chase & Snow Oy! We (me and husband, the webguru and AD) make functional websites that look good and advertising materials that work for small-to-medium businesses and NGOs. All in all, we're really good at what we do and really excited about the work too!


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I'm participating in the 2017 Helmet reading challenge

Books I'd like to read in 2017

Happy 2017! I don't know about you, but I don't make resolutions, I make plans for the next year, and one of those plans this year is to participate in and finish the so-called Helmet Reading Challenge. And no, it doesn't mean a helmet like the thing you wear while biking, it's the name of all the libraries of Helsinki and it also means pearls in Finnish!


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