Milchhäuschen in Bochum Stadtpark
The knitters in WWKIP

On Saturday we had a WWKIP (World Wide Knit in Public Day) meeting in Bochum, which is a neighbor city to Essen. So I packed myself up well (it was freezing) and took the train to Bochum. I first went yarn shopping a bit (more about that later) and then at three headed to the meeting in the cafe in Bochum city park.


There were a few knitters I knew from Essen, and many I didn't know from Bochum, Dortmund and surrounding cities. Plus, there was the amazing camel Dumistvieh, whom you can see in the third picture!


We knit in peace and enjoyed ourselves for about 30 minutes, before the other half of the cafe is occupied by a 15-head-loud-as-hell class reunion. Weldome, headache! Welcome, not being able to converse! Gooodbye, WorstedKnitt! Well, I did manage to knit three cat toy mice and work a bit on a scarf before one of the Essen knitters wanted to drive home and I was able to get a ride home with her.


It was really nice to meet all these great knitters, and there are plans to meet in this cafe another time, too. I'll definately go and hope that this time it will be class reunion-free!

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