Grey summer shawl
Grey summer shawl

I'm not sure what to say about this shawl. Take a look at the pictures. You can see it's rather long. Like, three meters long! I never intented to it to be that long (according the pattern the shawl should have been ca. 160 cm / 65 inches long, and I followed the pattern)


What do you think of it? Would you wear it? If you would, where and with what? I like the drape and the feel, it feels luxurious but I'm not sure if it's practical to wear - anywhere! Here are the specs:


Yarn: Junghans Wolle Opal, a aran weight 100% microfiber yarn
Needles: 5,5 mm long circular
Pattern: Silver Strand from the book Knitting in the Sun
Modifications: I made the double yarn overs every second repeat and every other time single yarn overs (I made this by mistake during the second repear and decided to treat it as a design element rather than a mistake!). I also made only nine pattern repeats instead of the 11 the pattern says, as I ran out of yarn. The shawl took good four balls of the Opal - the shawl weighs 222 grams.


Like I said, I'm not sure yet if I like it and/or will want to wear it. I'd appreciate your opinions!

Grey summer shawl
Grey summer shawl
Grey summer shawl
Grey summer shawl
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I do know the feeling, I crochet a shawl last summer and
it si over 2 mtr long!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love to wrap it around me at home, but it had'nt much outing yet. Just a twee bit on the impractical side, but I still love it and I am sure it will have its
"coming out" !
Christiane x

Thank you for your encouraging comments! I think I'll try to wear it and see how it goes. I really don't want to rip it!

I like it. I think it turned out as long as it is because you did the Double YO's every other that really eats up a lot of yarn and it makes a scalloping that tightens the length. I made one as well and was very pleased with the pattern. You can find it as Ebb Tide Shawl on Ravelry.