Honeymoon cami

Happy Knitting and Crochet Blog Week 2011!


Of course, it has to be a busy busy week at work, but I will certainly try to participate as much as I can - I don't want to miss all the fun!


Today (Day 1 - tag 2kcbwday1) I am going to tell you a tale of one yarn (the renegade that I am, I have to stretch the rules, don't I?). It's a blue cotton yarn with some shiny blend in it I bought from Lidl in the early days of my knitting years. It was called Zettl Cotton Sheen Effect and was pretty, shiny and cheap.


What's a new knitter to do with a shiny cotton yarn? A ribbed sweater of course! I started the Pinup Queen - dk yarn, 5 mm needles, no swatch. To make the story even more hilarious I'll tell you that during the time I made the back, I was still purling all my stitches through the back. By the time I started the front, I had learned how to really purl, so I made the front accordingly. So I had a back piece in twisted rib, front piece in normal rib, and the whole thing as loose as a lace shawl!


Needless to say, I never finished the thing. Instead I ripped the pieces and left the yarn at peace for a while.


The poor yarn did get to become a garment after all - in 2008 I made the Honeymoon cami with it - a cami I continue to use still.


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LOL, what a story! I'm glad you were able to make something lovely with the blue yarn after all. The honeymoon cami has long been a favorite of mine, though I've never made it myself.