The entrance
Vivienne Westwood socks
Antwerpen - thanks Ute for the photo

Last Saturday was great - me and three knitting friends made a road trip to Antwerpen, one of the biggest cities in Belgium and a fashion metropole (both facts I didn't know before)


We started off at 9 am sharp, drove through the Netherlands and arrived in Antwerpen at around 11 am.


I don't know about you, but for me it's mind blowing just to think about driving through three countries (Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium) in two hours, and just to see an exhibition! Europe is really compact in this corner of it.


Anyway, we then started with the exhibition Unravel at the fashion museum, which was the reason for the whole trip. Take a look at the photos and you'll see a few highlights.


1. The entrance with a huge knitted piece - the "yarn" had a diameter of ca 3 cm (bit more than an inch!)
2. A pair of socks by Vivienne Westwood
3. Antwerpen old centrum with a glimpse of the Cathedral (thanks to Ute for the photo!)
4. A Second World War sweater made with military socks. You'd cut the socks in a specific way and sew a sweater out of them. There were even instructions, how!
5. A collection of knitted swimsuits (not all of them handmade, of course)
6. Some knitted high fashion pieces. In the right edge you can see the dress Unravel uses as its cover picture. Tilda Swinton is wearing this knit-and-crochet piece - it was really something!
7. Japanese knitwear fashions. The dress / robe on the right is by Yohji Yamamoto. It seems I like all his work I've seen so far. I think I have new favourite designer (or one more...)
8. And last, 3/4 of the crew on the streets of Antwerpen, after the exhibition, lunch and a coffee, on our way back to the car. Photo is from Ute - thanks!


At 8 pm we were home from our three-countries-exhibition trip! It was a really lovely day (even though we didn't knit a stitch!) and I hope we can do something similar soon again!

Military sock sweater
Swimming suits
High fashion in knits
Yamamoto dress
The crew in Antwerpen - thanks Ute for the photo
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