Sunset in Finland
Hubby flying his quadcopter
Vuoksi rapids

I went back to Finland, my native country and forever home for a week and got back a few days ago. I actually knit 6 rounds of a cowl while there, but also went swimming once, visited Imatra and the Vuoksi rapids (it was a 500 km drive there and it was a HOT day!), spent lots of time with family and generally just had a great, great time.


Didn't buy any yarn either! Success!


Here are a few impressions from this year:


1. Sunset over a sea
2. Hubby flying his quadcopter on my Mum's yard
3. Vuoksi rapids after the dam had been opened

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those are some lovely photos--i'm jealous!
and that's mighty awesome of you to not buy yarn while you were there, in a place like finland, i wouldn't have been able to resist.