Mrs. Applebomb

I was feeling sorry for myself being so caught up in everything else other than blogging something new, and started looking through old blog posts of mine. And I noticed there were some I hadn't published yet! Yay! I can have knitting content while I still procrastinate taking pictures of my newest knits!


Ok, I'm aware that's not necessarily a good thing, but what the hey, look at this cute baby vest I knit a while ago!


The pattern used is called Mrs. Appelbomb and it's free on Ravelry. It seems to be one of those very well written, simple and cute patterns that haven't received much attention at all, for reasons I don't know. Shame really, because the pattern is really very good.


This here is the first Applebomb I made, all according to the instructions with only a few midofications. I started the cable pattern right at the hem and not a few rows later, and I used a thicker gauge yarn to make a warm, slightly bigger vest.


The yarn I used was Marks & Kattens Eco Ull, the same yarn I used for my Owls sewater. The red hem, armholes and neckline were knit with the much bigger-gauged Brown Sheep's Lamb's Pride Bulky. For both yarns I used the same 5mm needles. And it still looks good! It's amazing how much you can trick gauge and still get nice garments.


Well, if you don't have to care about exact size like I didn't here - the vest is for charity and will certainly the one or another baby / toddler in their care (here in the picture the vest is modeled by my husband :) It's not blocked, so the cable is not very visible though)


What do you think of the little vest? I think it's the cutest thing I've knit in a long time!

Mrs. Applebomb
Mrs. Applebomb
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