Knit graffiti / Fill the Empty Space
Knit graffiti / Fill the Empty Space

Can you spot the graffiti in the first picture?


My husband is currently showing some of his artwork in a business premises which is currently unleased. The owner asked my hubby to create a piece of art to drew attention to the premises - he did, and also he organized an exhibition with some other artists as well.


The exhibition "Fill the Empty Space" runs until the 30th of March, so if you happen to be around Gelsenkirchen, visit the show at Husemannstrasse 14, it's open Friday to Monday 16:00-20:00.


But anyway, I thought I would also create something for the exhibition, and knitted a black piece of fabric using yarn I made out of old panty hose (cutting the hose in a 1-2 cm wide strip) and some pretty white cotton yarn I had hanging around. I then attached the piece onto an element right before the showroom.


For the finissage I plan to make another piece, this time a very colourful one, and attach it on the other element!

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