
A while back I went on a historic train here in Essen, it's called Hespertalbahn (Hesper valley train) and it's run by a little association that likes old trains and uses the old tracks in the Hesper valley alongside the Baldeney lake! Some weekends in the year they drive these old diesel or steam locomotives with old wagons a short route from Kupferdreh to the Scheppen old cement factory.


Today, I was able to travel with this train, pulled by a steam locomotive! I really loved it! Again I was amazed how these small little things make me so happy. For 4 Euros I got there and back, and it was one hour of pure joy. The wagon I sat in was from 1910 and it was also originally used on this route when it was still in daily use. I just loved it, it was so nostalgic and the view to the lake was just so summery wonderful.


Here are some of the pictures I took before my camera battery died, so you can share my day.


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