Bramblewood vest
Bramblewood vest
Bramblewood vest
Bramblewood vest

I proudly present to you my second sweater this year! Well, ok, it's a vest, but it'll do for a sweater for me (I set a goal to knit two sweaters in 2009).


It's really red and absolutely gorgeous. The pattern is called Bramblewood vest from the Knotions knitting web-magazine (free!). The yarn I used is called Novita Anni, a aran weight yarn with 40% wool, 35% acrylic and 25% polyamide. Cheap, machine washable and pretty. What else do you need! I used less than 300 grams of it.


I knit it on 4mm circular needles, and due to my loose hand the size 41 in became more like 43... so the vest is kind of loose now. It's ok though, it's for winter anyway, and now I can layer up all kinds of shirts underneath it.


I didn't mean to modify the pattern, but I did a little. I misunderstood the part when the hip increases start, and started them ca. 10 rows too late and therefore all the hip increases are somewhat lower than the pattern says. That didn't really make a difference though, I feel the vest fits even better with the lower increases.


All in all I really liked making this vest. I learned more abour cabling, tried a new top-down construction and learned the I-cord bind off, which is brilliant! I've also been wearing the vest a lot already, I think it's really pretty and very useful. Next I'll be tackling the Owls sweater I think (or the sweater for Nick...)

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