Binding the ends of the woven rug

I don't think if I mentioned it earlier here but I've been going to a weaving course for a few months now. It's really cool as it is very close to where I live (unlike many things, as I now live far on the countryside) and I basically get to learn weaving and weave with my neighbours, which is fun and helps me "re-integrate" into this village also! Until now I've woven a bag (well, the fabric for a bag) and this little rug I am showing you now.


There was a tiny bit of warp left on the twice-woven rug piece so the teacher asked me if I would want to weave it up. I said yes of course as I didn't have anything else to weave at the time. This was a fun project! I still understand very little of weaving, but this one was basically woven once on a very widely-set warp, then cut up to strips and woven again on a "normal" rug warp. Take a look at the pictures to get the picture!


The first and second picture below is the once-woven rug where you can see the wide-spaced warp. The fabric was then cut between these warp lines (how do you call them for real?) to create the material for the finished rug. The strips were then woven again into fabric with more rug woof, and that's the finished product you see in the third picture.


I'm very happy with it, it's really really small but I have good use for it in the bathroom. It's very thick and comfortable you see, so it's really nice for getting out of the shower to.


Next weaving project is going to be a biiit bigger: curtains! As always, watch this space. And please leave a comment, any comment if you are reading this! I'm slowly starting to feel all alone here..!

Rug once woven
The to-be rug strips
Finished rug
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