All mice for KYH 2010

I did it! I finished all my KYH (the Finnish KAL where you cast on 26 items in June and finish them all by the end oh July) knits!


Here's what I knit:


1. Twilight Gloaming shawl
2. Mouse toy for a cat
3. A Tierheim shawl (for charity)
4. Fawkes socks
5. Another mouse
6. The Ripley hat
7. A Calorimetry
8. Pot holder (ruined when felting it)
9. Mouse
10. A cleaning cloth
11. A flower
12. Another flower (for hair decoration)
13. Another shawl (it was supposed to be a Baktus, but I ripped it and made another kind of shawl from it)
14. Again, a mouse
15. Baby hat
16. Mouse
17. Mouse
18. Mouse
19. You got it - a mouse
20. Little basket
21. Hoot, an owly hair decoration
22. Another hoot
23. Two tone ribbed shrug
24. Clothilde shawl
25. Mouse and
26. One last mouse


That brings my tally to 26 started and 26 finished, of which two mice and one pot holder were ruined while felting. But I finished knitting them, so..!


This is such a fun knitalong, this was the second year I've participated but I can hardly wait for next year! It's a real challenge, but so much fun and you really get an idea what you can create in two months if you put your energy to it. I mean - four shawl, pair of socks, a shrug PLUS all the other things! I'm inclined to say: well done me!

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that is still a lot of stuff to cast on, continue knitting, and actually bind off in a short amount of time! good for you:)