Socks from TicoTico

Yesterday was the day - we finally had the big yearly "knit day"! Last year was the first time I organized it... but as I was ill, I was not able to participate! This year I actually made it to the event :)


From 1 pm (well, I was there half past 11!) to 10 pm we knitted, knitted and knitted! Chatted and knitted, swapped yarn and knitted, were interviewed for television and knitted, ate and knitted... and some crocheted, too!


It was a real blast, and I got some new lovely yarns in the various swaps:


First, Polar from Wolle Rödel, Schoeller & Stahl sock yarn, sock yarn from S&S, and still more sock yarn, Hot Socks Rainbow by Gruendl. I few I may knit into socks for the animal shelter, some yarns I think I will gove forward as they are, and some will be all for me!


Apropos socks, what do you think of my socks which I started yesterday? The yarn is TicoTico, a Finnish sock yarn, and I love the colours. I was planning on making these socks for charity, but now I just don't know..!


I also finished a pair of fingerless mitts, but I'll show those later on.


Thanks everyone who participated, it was a blast!

Hot Socks
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