Swap package

I took part in another swap this month, the European swap on Ravelry. The moderator kind of forgot the swap, so it was organized by another member of the group. I thought that it could end bad - but it didn't. It ended great! My swap partner Fairytalefelter aka Dawn has received her package and here's what she sent me.


The loveliest thing was the handspun alpaca spun by Dawn herself. It's amazingly soft and beautiful! She also sent me some merino yarn in a bright purple, I very much like the colour.


There was also the magazine The Knitter, an interesting looking book, a lovely notions bag and some Greek candy which looks delicious!


Thanks very much Dawn, I really liked this package!


Oh and while I'm at it, I'll show you the yarns I got for my birthday! My sister sent me some 50% recycled cotton - 50% acrylics mix yarn from Finland, it's a new yarn from the company Novita and I've been hoping to try it out, so it was a lovely present.


A perfect surprise in two meanings of the word was the Wunderklecks sock yarn ball from a friend of mine - first of all I was absolutely surprised to get it as I didn't even throw a real party, and second of all it was just perfect, as I love Schoppel sock yarns and the Wunderklecks is something new for me from them to try out! Let's see if it ends up as socks or as a shawl as its Zauberball friends before him!

Hanko yarn
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