Duisburg Nord Landscape Park
Duisburg Nord Landscape Park

Last weekend of August it was the last weekend with really nice, hot weather so we did a little local excursion on both days (read about Sundays trip to Slagheap Hoheward here).


Saturday we headed to Duisburg Nord Landscape Park. I've been there once before but my husband hadn't, so we thought it was about time he sees it too. We took the train and the tram and arrived pretty late in the afternoon. It was rather busy, as the days was really nice and the area is very versatile - there's wall climbing, a cafe and lots of things for kids to do.


We walked around the area and even went a few stairs up the Blast Furnace 5. The second picture is taken from there - the first from the ruins of other industrial constructs in the area. It's amazing how nature takes over if it's not fought back. We saw trees bigger than a grown human growing out of cracks on the concrete and stone wall!

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