
The weather here has been good for the last weeks - the weekdays are cold, but come weekend, it's 20 degrees and sunny! As today was the same, clear skies and warm enough to wear a t-shirt, we (= me and DH) decided to take advantage and take the train to Oberhausen, a neighbor city, and visit the Gasometer, which was also one if my 101 in 1001 list items.


The Gasometer is a piece of industrial culture heritage of the Ruhr area. It's original purpose was to be a gas container, but it has been turned into a very interesting exhibition hall. This year it holds a great exhibition on the solar system - and it contains the "biggest moon on earth"! A huge moon sculpture is hanging in the middle of this silo! At first I thought it was a bit expensive to get into this exhibition, but we ended up spending hours there - it was really worth it. The first picture is just below the huge moon, there just happened to be a a small choir singing moon-themed songs while we were there.


They also have a sightseeing platform on the Gasometer. We took the elevator past the huge moon and walked around the roof taking a good look at the sights. We could even see Essen from there (about 20 kilometers away)!


After the Gasometer we had a good late lunch in a mexican restaurant nearby and took the train back home. It's so amazing what beautiful and interesting things you have just around the corner so to say! We certainly decided to take advantage of any beautiful weekend day to visit industrial heritage sites this spring and summer - it would be a shame not to use the extra offerings of the Culture Capital year in 2010.

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