Swap pack received!

I took part in the Ravelry Finnish knitters -swap (or am still taking part, as my package has not yet been sent) and received a gorgeous packet from Norway, from Nunt.


I got the book I've been wishing for, some Kool Aid (also a long-time wish of mine!), a gorgeous pattern for cabled fingerless mitts and the yarn to go with it. I was really happy to receive the gift and thanked Nunt at Ravelry.


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Coffeeswap packet came!

And it's gorgeous! See how much of everything, and my spoiler Else had really thought of me when choosing presents. This is like christmas! Even Nic came over and see what was in the packet.


Otin osaa kahvi-vaihtoon, ts swappiin, jossa järjestäjät 'parittavat' kaksi neulojaa, ja he lähettävät toisilleen lahjan. Tässä aiheena oli kahvi. Katso kuvat alta: aivan ihania lahjoja! 

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Coffeeswap Questions

As previously posted, I joined Coffeeswap 3. Mistake: then I went for holidays. I come back, and it's all on the way already! I hope I'm not too late with my questions answered:


1. Whole bean or ground?
Ground, for now.


2. Fully-loaded or decaf?

The real stuff!


3. Regular or flavored?



4. How do you drink your coffee?

Black, black, black.


5. Favorite coffee ever?

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